Finchbergsen Trails




         Given the choice between what we know and what we may never find out, it's absolutely essential to the human fraternity to choose that which is known, no matter the degree of this knowledge. It's the underlying gamble in game shows, exams ...and life

          Benjy had made such a  choice in the not so distant past, in fact it seemed like just the other day when he had chosen the somewhat known to the relatively unknown. This choice had seemed natural...but it didn't settle smoothly with his indecisive self, infact the latter was more than convinced that Benjy couldn't be more wrong if he had intended it, and thus he was rejected by the comforting pillow of the familiar, and haunted by the fallibility of his decision.

     So haunted, infact, that he half-chose both decisions, and would've succeded too, if his decisions were innanimate objects... but they weren't! Imani, his somewhat known, was from teh very onset weary of his friendship with Liah, his relatively unkwon and recently de-girlfriendised work colleague...and Liah, not one to be the third wheel in any situation had made some decisions of her own

      Trusting his indecision, and in a bid to run after the unknown, knowing fully well the path back to the known, Benjy had then decided to go after his relatively unkown, but having been de-gilfriendised  before and fearing  a recurrence, Liah had more decisively decided that his indecisive decision was infallible.           

 Facing the rejection of both the fallible and the infallible, Benjy decided to grab the infallible with never before known violence... which is where our story begins

Link to the site coming up soon... :)