Finchbergsen Trails

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the cafeterial infection

The Mannequin Party

‘She wills none of it.’ Emery announces ‘what do you suppose?!’ I demand in a whisper ‘her lips are waxed and I lack the heat to pry them open.’ He explains softly ‘Have you assured her my affections are factual?’ I probe ‘Indeed.’ He vows. I can’t believe I have waited an entire week for this to happen! How incompetent can he be?? I restrain the urge to grab his coffee locks and stomp his head against the wall ‘is her phone operational then??’ I inquire ‘it ought to be. It was ringing incessantly as we spoke.’ He divulges. That must have been the dim-witted Hèrvé McClure calling her for every second that she crossed his mind! She did not love me and I knew not why!!! The plain certainty stared me in my face; she did not love me and wills none of it!!! But why??

‘Gents; the mannequin party!’ Hilliard announces opening the door to his apartment, about twenty lasses in nothing but their birthday suits turning to greet us. By Jove! This is truly something! ‘Indulge in drink, dance and women as you please.’ He says clutching a tit in his hand as though he was a quality controller at an orchard ‘London Stock Exchange come down!’ Leigh gasps in prevarication as three nude lasses decide they like him. ‘I say forget her tonight.’ Emery advises me, filling his palm with behind. I ought to. She loves me not. Maybe I ought to work on not loving her as well!!

‘What’s your name?’ a cute blond asks taking me astride as I sip on my scotch ‘Hèrvé.’ I gruffly announce ‘what’s the problem Hèrvé? Don’t you like any of us? Every girl in the room has been hoping you pick them.’ She sweetly says, her cunt rubbing against my crotch like she was dry humping me ‘I thought they were the ones picking.’ I coarsely point out ‘you’re the most attractive bloke around here, it makes girls shy.’ She divulges reaching for my buckle.

 I can’t be the most attractive guy! Not with Koen’s pretty aqua eyes matched with Auburn hair, not with Leigh’s peridot eyes and blond locks, not with Emery’s grey eyes and coffee locks, though I like to think I’m more attractive than Hilliard! ‘You’re not shy.’ I argue. How can naked women be shy? What psychosis is that?? ‘Why don’t you loosen up your clothing and join us, we can have a little party.’ She whispers licking under my ear lobe, my butt clenching from the action. I should stop rationalizing and join this party!!!

‘I’ll tell you something! There is a gross malfunction in the fairer sex!!’ I announce my speech a tad slurred ‘If you ask me; she’s not worth you.’ Some tits are saying to me ‘Obviously you are part of the malfunction! Because from where I’m standing I’m the unworthy one!!’ I say jiggling them with my face. Funny what a few bottles of scotch do to women’s tits to give them voices!! ‘You’re gorgeous and have a big gun in your trousers and swollen pockets; she’s the one who doesn’t know what she wants!’ other boobs say. I love my conversation with tits! ‘Enough talking about Sadie! Let’s do something vicious!’ cunt whispers ecstatically ‘I’ll be your Sadie!’ Lips declare ‘I’ll be your Sadie’ tits second it, and then the entire room of female hillocks and depressions are vowing to be my Sadie and I am vowing to have her once and for all

 ‘I will make you mine Sadie! I will walk to the earth’s ends for you!!’ I vow as my phallus is devoured by one of my many Sadies that I have won over tonight. I am naked and drunk and having fun with Sadie! ‘Sadie you ought to be spanked!’ I announce spanking her and groping her behind in my palm ‘scream!’ I demand raspily ‘and I would like to see you Sadie, dry hump her as she gives me brain!’ I order...

‘Angelford?? Is that you under that blanket of naked women??’ someone is yelling callously as I grunt and open my eyes, my nerves feeling like they have been under the blue flame of a candle all night long. The light elicits a growl from me as I shut my eyes again ‘identify yourself.’ I plead ‘Chesterfield.’ Koen bellows ‘could we please not shout. I’m trying to salvage my head from explosion.’ I say my throat feeling dry as rye bread ‘you enjoyed yourself immensely I suppose.’ He screeches ‘Be gone with your yelling!’ I hiss at him and get back to sleep, unable to feel parts of my body and not minding it one bit. The numbness comforting for once from the constant ache of unrequited love...

Up Next: The Cafeterial Infection