Finchbergsen Trails

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Cultural inculcations

Legion of Dissent


‘Mother wants to see me.’ Hilliard merrily announces ‘this weekend?’ Leigh investigates ‘correct.’ Hilliard says ‘and have you prepared your defence?’ Koen probes ‘I have.’ Hilliard assures us ‘I ought to show myself at home as well.’ Emery sighs pensively ‘we should all just descend upon them like a legion.’ Koen wistfully says ‘and I am taking Dionne with me. It should be grand partaking in pornography when my parents listen in.’ Hilliard schemes as I study them, realizing that Sadie had cut right through us when she stereotyped the rich swot.

The only person here worth his salt was cowardly Leigh who didn’t see the point in frightening the hand that fed him! I sigh into my cards; we ought to get a life! ‘If this is what courting the wrong damsel is about I cannot linger for them to start suggesting any damsel! I will have as many as three in my domicile!’ Hilliard says. Well; she can’t say we don’t have ambition! ‘Five!’ Koen competes with him, his aqua eyes bright since he’s been partaking in pornography as well with Florence ‘we won’t be having sex! We’ll be having Orgies and sex parties with VIPs cards and nudist chants!’ Emery ruffles feathers and loins around the table. I smile. That is definitely ambition!!! As much as it’s not visions of grandeur its aspirations!!

I wonder how she’s undertaking. I sigh and try side-line the thought but the damned vixen has taken my sleep away with that slaying tongue of hers, leaving this innate cavity that gapes at me especially at dusk. She ought to be spanked! I sigh and smile. When did I morph into this? When did my rejoinder to everything become spanking Sadie? I ought to find something else to fill this hole of injudicious self- worthlessness she perforated into me and move along. My parents will want to see me once they land form the continent. I sigh again; there seems to be a solution to all this. I ought to undertake it. I shall in fact.

‘Hughes, wait here.’ I say clutching the bunch of white tiger lilies in my hand and walking to the faculty hall, pacing about it like I did the very day I came searching for her. If indeed my parents were about their way here this week then I had no choice but to show her how egoistic I wasn’t! I aspire to partake in pornography as well! And she was going to be of assistance and fill this gap she had curved wide into me. A door opens at the far end, a few people stepping out. I stand and watch for her but by the end of it, a few stares and whispers is all I receive, no sign of her in the fading crowd as if holding flowers in a hall way looking bereft was not an ignominious state of affairs to be in, the Dean Burrows reveals himself from his office. I smile for lack of else. ‘Mr McClure.’ He greets me as though he were about to start up a conversation ‘how do you do Dean Burrows’ I say with a nod of my head ‘lovely flowers there.’ He says as she walks out of his office with some papers in her hand. ‘Sadie!’ I cry out in relief. She looks up and gasps in shock, the papers flying off her hands into the air...

I place the flowers down and help her pick the papers up ‘what are you doing here?’ she whispers to me ‘chatting with the Dean. We’re old chums.’ I reveal lightly. She stares at me and then takes the papers from my hands ‘these are yours.’ I state handing them over to her. She looks at them and sighs, turning to the Dean ‘I should excuse you.’ He says turning back for his office. ‘I should go.’ She says walking ‘Sadie...’ I grunt following her ‘you can’t just show up with white tiger lilies and expect me to buckle in the knees!’ she hisses at me ‘they were the ice breakers; we need to confer.’ I explain ‘I don’t want to confer!’ she states. I grunt and grab her by the waist, twisting the fighting dame to me and pinning her against the corridor walls ‘let go of me!’ she hisses ‘listen to me.’ I counter. She frowns, but her body is whispering of chemistry and entrancing things to me ‘the flowers are for you.’ I instruct. She takes them ‘is that all?’ she inquires like she is about to dispose of them in the next hole she can find ‘teach me.’ I whisper to her, probing the milk less coffee of her eyes desperately

She shuts her eyes as though there was something in mine that could weaken her into submission ‘please Sadie; teach me how to be the guy on the right list! You don’t understand how much I need to be him!’ I declare ardent ‘Herve!’ she sighs ‘I refuse to be anyone else! I refuse to be anyone but him!’ I divulge fervently ‘inculcate him into me; kiss me with your knowledge of him and turn me from this frog you want nothing to do with!’ I importune ‘I want to be your prince Sadie! I want it more than else.’ I assure her as she opens her eyes and looks right into me ‘why do you melt my resolve this way?’ she silently wonders ‘because you know I’m worthy of these perils you’re taking.’ I promise her. She smiles and sighs ‘you better be.’ She warns me ‘I am.’ I vow

Up Next; Cultural inculcations

    The Story So Far...